24/7 Phone Services +20 238 206 695
info@newpackindustrial.com 3rd Industrial Zone 6 October, Egypt


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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Image

01.How can I contact?

You can communicate via the website, via WhatsApp, and by phone

02.Where can I buy the best baby products?

You can request via the website, via WhatsApp, and by phone

03.Do you meet the safety requirements?

All Best Baby products are designed for safety They are only approved when they pass safety tests set by our company, state and international laws. We are committed to meeting ASTM safety standards EN71.

04.How do I access product installation instructions?

Via a brochure with each product that explains the installation process, and there are also help videos on our website and our page on social networking sites

05.Can I buy products in bulk?

Please contact our sales team for more information

06.Do Best Baby sponsor or donate the product for free to a non-service organization?

Organizations that have special requests can contact us and we will review all requests and we can respond with assistance as long as possible

Trusted By Worlds Best


“Smith Kliss”

Donec scelerisque dolor id nunc dictum, nterdum mauris rhoncus. Aliquam at ultrices nunc. In sem...

(08 Reviews)

“Bethna Walsh”

Donec scelerisque dolor id nunc dictum, nterdum mauris rhoncus. Aliquam at ultrices nunc. In sem...

(03 Reviews)

“John Doe”

Donec scelerisque dolor id nunc dictum, nterdum mauris rhoncus. Aliquam at ultrices nunc. In sem...

(07 Reviews)